Hi everyone! I hope you’re having an amazing Thanksgiving break with your families. I’ve been doing a lot of coloring this break- something I’ve always loved to do. It got me thinking, are there any templates/characters/designs that you’d like to color during indoor recess? Leave a comment below if there is something you’d like to see, and if you’d like another tech challenge, provide the links in your comment. Remember to pay attention to copyright and investigate if you can use pages/images for noncommercial reuse with modification.

See you tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “Indoor Recess Season…

  1. I just got into drawing and coloring too! I would like pretty much anything, exept people. On the Monday of break I went to my friends house and they tought me a drawing website. For the rest of the week I was spending a lot of free time on drawing. The steps to getting there are: first, Go on youtube, next search draw so cute and then a bunch of drawings pop up. If you want to draw a specific picture then type draw so cute then type what you want to draw. Too make sure its draw so cute, look to the side of the video and see if it says draw so cute. Draw so cute does not teach the coloring but you can look at the picture at the end.

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